
Brazing of Ni Based Superalloys for Aerospace Applications

S.F. Corbin, C.A. Tadgell, Determining the Influence of Braze Temperature on the Dissolution Behaviour and Kinetics of Isothermal Solidification During Transient Liquid Phase Bonding (TLPB) Ni-Based Superalloys, in Met. & Mater. Trans. A, Vol. 52(4), pages 1232-1247 (2021)

J.M. Chapman, S.F. Corbin, E.D. Moreau, Influence of a Ni Plating Surface Preparation on Transient Liquid Phase Bonding Behaviour of Inconel 718/BNi-2, in Met. & Mater. Trans. A, Vol. 52(11), pages 4800-4812, (2021)

E.D. Moreau, S.F. Corbin, Assessing the Influence of Cr and Fe in the Filler Metal on Dissolution and Isothermal Solidification Kinetics During TLPB of Ni-Based Suepralloysin Met and Mater. Trans. A., Vol. 51(12), pg. 6307-6317, (2020)

Moreau and S.F. Corbin, The Role of Base Metal Chromium in Determining the TLPB behaviour of Ni-Based Alloys using a Boron-Containing Braze., in Met and Mater Trans, Vol. 51(8), pg. 3906-3919, (2020)

C.M. MacIsaac, C. A. Whitman and S.F. CorbinDevelopment of a Boron-Free Filler Metal for brazing Nickel-Based Superalloys Utilizing the Cu-Mn-Ni System, in J. Mat. Sci., Vol. 55(20), pg. 8741-8755, (2020)

E. Moreau and S.F. Corbin, Initial Boron Uptake and Kinetics of Transient Liquid Phase Bonding in Ni-based Superalloysin Met and Mater Trans, Vol. 51(6), pg. 2882-2892 (2020)

C.A. Tadgell and S.F. CorbinInvestigating the Transient Liquid Phase Bonding (TLPB) behavior of a Palladium containing Ni-B based braze filler metal, accepted in Can Met Quarterly, March, (2019)

E.D. Moreau, S.F. Corbin, Application of Diffusion Path Analysis to Understand the Mechanisms of Transient Liquid-Phase Bonding in the Ni-Si-B Systemin Met Mater Trans A, Vol. 50(12), pr. 5678-5688, (2019)

C.D Murray, S.F. Corbin, Determining the Kinetics of Transient Liquid Phase Bonding (TLPB)of Inconel 625/BNi-2 couples using Differential Scanning CalorimetryJOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 248(October): 92-102. (2017)

S.F. Corbin, D.C. Murray, A. Bouthillier, Analysis of Diffusional Solidification in a Wide Gap Brazing Powder Mixture using Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Met and Mater Trans, 47A(12), pp. 6339-6352, (2016)

Brazing of Light Metals for Automotive and Aerospace Applications

C.A. Tadgell, S.F. Corbin, Dissolution and isothermal solidification behaviour of commercially pure titanium brazed using a pure nickel filler under TLPB conditions, J. of MAT. Sci., Vol. 56(17), pages 10597-10613, June (2021)

C.A. Tadgell, S.F. Corbin, Determining the mechanisms of dissolution and isothermal solidification kinetics during transient liquid phase bonding of commercially pure titanium using a pure copperin Materials Today Communications, Vol. 24, Article Number 101363, 15 pages, (2020)

C.A. Tadgell, M.A. Wells, B. Cheadle, S. Winkler, Examining the Oxide Disruption Mechanism of a Nickel PVD Coating on Anodized Aluminum Braze Sheets, in Met and Mater Trans A, Vol. 50A(8), pg. 3816-3826, (2019)

M.J. Benoit, M.A. Whitney, M.A. Wells, A. Penlidis, S.F. Corbin, S. Winkler, Analysis of aluminium brazing sheet differential scanning calorimetry dataInt. J. Experimental Design and Process Optimisation, (2017)

C. A. Tadgell, M. A. Wells, S. F. Corbin, L. Colley, B. Cheadle, S. Winkler, The Effect of Anodic Oxide Films on the Nickel-Aluminum Reaction in Aluminum Braze SheetMet and Mater Trans. A, 48A(3), pp. 1236-1248, (2017)

S.F. Corbin, S. Winkler, D. M. Turriff, M. Kozdras, Analysis of fluxless, reactive brazing of Al alloys using differential scanning calorimetryMet. Mater. Trans. A, 45A(9), pg. 3907-3915, (2014)

S.F. Corbin, D. M. Turriff, M. Kozdras, S. WinklerIn-situ measurement of the thermal contact resistance of an Al lap joint during braze processingMet. Mater. Trans. A, 45A(2), pg. 835-842, (2014)

D. M. Turriff, S.F. Corbin, M. Kozdras, Quantification of Diffusional Solidification Phenomena in Clad Aluminum Braze SheetActa Materiala, 58(4), pg. 1332-1341, (2010)

Sintering of Metal Injection Molded Ni Base Superalloys for Aerospace Applications

OFlynn, S.F. Corbin, Determining the heat treatment behaviour of metal injection moulded and wrought alloy 718 using differential scanning calorimetryin Materials Characterization, Vol. 182, Article Number 111555,10 pages, Dec. (2021)

A.J. Rayner, S.F. Corbin, Grain growth activation during supersolidus liquid phase sintering in a metal injection molded nickel-base superalloyin Materials Today Communications, Vol. 26, Article 101769, 11 pages, March (2021)

O’Flynn, C.A. Whitman, S.F. Corbin, Thermal property measurements of metal injection moulded Inconel 625 and Inconel 718 using combined thermal analysis techniquesin Powder Metallurgy, Vol. 63(4), pg. 277-287, (2020)

C.A. Whitman, J.T. O’Flynn, A. J. Rayner, S. F. Corbin, Determining the oxidation behavior of metal powders during heating through thermogravimetric and evolved gas analysis using a coupled thermogravimetry-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technique, in Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 638   Pages: 124-137, (2016)

Forming and Sintering of Low Cost Ti Alloys for Lightweight Applications

Steedman, S.F. Corbin, J. O’Flynn, Distinguishing the influence of aluminium and vanadium additions on microstructural evolution and densification behaviour during the sintering of Ti6Al, Ti4V and Ti6Al4V, in Powder Metallurgy, Vol. 61(4), pg. 301-312, (2018)

J O’Flynn, S.F. Corbin, Effects of powder material and process parameters on the roll compaction, sintering and cold rolling of titanium spongePowder Metallurgy, August, (2019).

J O’Flynn, S.F. Corbin, The influence of Fe-40Ti intermetallic master alloy additions on the sintering behaviour of Ti-2.5FeJournal of Alloys and Compounds, 176(September): 184-196 (2017).

A. Hadadzadeh, M.A. Whitney, M.A. Wells, S.F. Corbin, Analysis of compressibility behavior and development of a plastic yield model for uniaxial die compaction of sponge titanium powder, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume: 243 Pages: 92-99 (2017)

G Steedman, S.F. Corbin, Determining the sintering mechanisms and rate of in-situ homogenization during master alloy sintering of Ti6Al4VPowder Metallurgy, Vol. 58(1), pg. 67-80, (2015)

J O’Flynn and S.F. Corbin, The Influence of Iron Powder Size on Pore Formation, Densification and Homogenization during Blended Elemental Sintering of Ti-2.5 FeJournal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 618, pg. 437-448, (2015)

Reactive Sintering of NiTi Shape Memory Metal

D.R. Cluff, S.F. Corbin, M.A. Gharghouri, Rietveld refinement on in-situ neutron diffraction during sintering of NiTi from elemental powders in J. of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 732, pg. 845-855, (2018)

D.R. Cluff, S.F. Corbin, M.A. Gharghouri, Investigating the influence of Ti powder purity on phase evolution during NiTi sintering using in-situ neutron diffractionIntermetallics, vol. 83, pp 43-54, (2017)

D.R. Cluff and S.F. Corbin, The Influence of Ni Powder Size, Compact Composition and Sintering Profile on the Shape Memory Transformation and Tensile Behaviour of NiTiIntermetallics, 18(8), pg. 1480-1490, (2010)

S.F. Corbin and D. Cluff, Determining the rate of (β-Ti) decay and its influence on the sintering behavior of NiTi, Journal of Alloy and Compounds, 487(1-2), pg. 179-186, (2009)

Whitney, S.F. Corbin, R.B. Gorbet, Investigation of the influence of powder size on microstructural evolution and the thermal explosion combustion synthesis of NiTiIntermetallics, 17(11), pg. 894-906, (2009)

Whitney, S.F. Corbin, R.B. Gorbet, Investigation of the Mechanisms of Reactive Sintering and Combustion Synthesis of NiTi using Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Microstructural AnalysisActa Materialia, 56, pg.559-570, (2008)

Laser Cladding of Steels and Ti Alloys for Wear Resistance Applications

A. Emamian, S.F. Corbin and A. Khajepour, The effect of powder composition on the morphology of in situ TiC composite coating deposited by Laser-Assisted Powder Deposition (LAPD)Applied Surface Science, 261, pg. 201-208, (2012)

M. Iravani, A. Khajepour, S.F. Corbin, S. Esmaeili, Pre-placed Laser Cladding of Metal Matrix Diamond Composite on Mild Steel, in Surface and Coatings Technology, 206(8-9), (2012)

A. Emamian, S.F. Corbin and A. Khajepour, Tribology Characteristics of In-Situ Laser Deposition of Fe-TiCSurface and Coatings Technology, 206(22) pg. 4495-4501, (2012)

V. Fallah, M. Amoorezaei, N. Provatas, S. F. Corbin, A. Khajepour, Phase-field Simulation of Solidification Morphology in Laser Powder Deposition of Ti-Nb alloysActa Materialia, 60(4), pg. 1633-1646, (2012)

A. Emamian, S.F. Corbin and A. Khajepour, Influence of combined laser parameters on in-situ formed TiC morphology during laser claddingSurface and Coatings Technology, 206(1) pg. 124-131, (2011)

V. Fallah, M. Alimardani, S.F. Corbin, A. Khajepour, Temporal development of melt-pool morphology and clad geometry in laser powder depositionComputational Materials Science, 50(7), pg. 2124-2134, (2011)

V. Fallah, M. Alimardani, S.F. Corbin, A. Khajepour, Impact of localized surface preheating on the microstructure and crack formation in laser direct deposition of Stellite 1 on AISI 4340 SteelApplied Surface Science, 257(5), pg. 1716-1723, (2010)

V. Fallah, S. F. Corbin, and A. Khajepour, Process optimization of Ti-Nb alloy coatings on a Ti-6Al-4V plate using a Fiber laser and blended elemental powdersJournal of Materials Processing Technology, 210(14), pg. 2081-2087, (2010)

A. Emamian, S.F. Corbin and A. Khajepour, Effect of Laser Cladding Process Parameters on Clad Quality and In-Situ Formed Microstructure of Fe-TiC Composite CoatingsSurface and Coatings Technology, 205(7), pg. 2007-2015, (2010).

Past Research Projects

Fundamentals of Transient Liquid Phase Processing

S.F. Corbin, D. M. Turriff, D.C. Murray, The Influence of Oxygen Impurity Content on the Transient Liquid Phase Sintering Behaviour of Cu-Ni Powders, in Powder Metallurgy, 57(2),     pg. 137-146, Apr., (2014)

M.L. Kuntz, B. Panton, S. Wasiur-Rahman, Y. Zhou, and S.F. Corbin, An Experimental Study of Transient Liquid Phase Bonding of the Ternary Ag-Au-Cu System Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry, in Met. Mater. Trans. A, 44A, (8), pg. 3708-3720 (2013)

M. Turriff, S.F. Corbin, L. Cranswick and M. Watson, Transient Liquid Phase Sintered Cu-Ni Powders: In situ Neutron Diffraction, Int. J. Powder Met., 44(6), pg. 49-59, Nov./Dec., (2008), (NSERC)

M. Turriff, and S.F. Corbin, Quantitative Thermal Analysis of Transient Liquid-Phase-Sintered Cu-Ni Powders, in Met. Mater. Trans. A, Vol. 39A, (1), pg.28-38, (2008)

Kuntz, N. Zhou and S.F. Corbin, A Study of Transient Liquid Phase Bonding of Ag-Cu using Differential Scanning CalorimetryMet. Mater. Trans. A, 37A, pp. 2493-2503, (2006)

M. Turriff and S.F. Corbin. Modelling the influences of solid-state interdiffusion and dissolution on transient liquid phase sintering kinetics in a binary isomorphous system, in Met. Mater. Trans. A, A37a (5): 1645-1655, May (2006)

Kuntz, S.F. Corbin and N. Zhou, Quantifying Metallurgical Interactions in Solid/Liquid Diffusion Couples Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Acta Materialia, 53 (10): 3071-3082 June (2005)

Brochu, S.F. Corbin, M.D. Pugh and R.A.L. Drew, Assessment of Melting Behavior of Cu-Coated Ti Powders using Thermal analysisMat. Sci & Eng. A, A369 (1-2): 56-65, (2004)

S.F. Corbin and D. J. McIsaac, Differential Scanning Calorimetry Of The Stages Of Transient Liquid Phase SinteringMat. Sci. Eng., A346, 132-140 (2003)

S.F. Corbin, Diffusion Based Modelling of Isothermal Solidification Kinetics During Transient Liquid Phase Sintering, Met. Mater. Trans. A, 33A, 117-124, (2002)

S.F. Corbin and P. Lucier, Thermal Analysis of the Kinetics of Isothermal Solidification During Transient Liquid Phase SinteringMet. Trans. A, 32A, 971-978, April (2001)

Porous Composite Anodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Applications

Rayner, R.M.C. Clemmer, S.F. Corbin, Determination of the Activation Energy and Master Sintering Curve for NiO/YSZ Composite Solid Oxide Fuel Cell AnodesJ. American Ceramic Society, Vol. 98(4), pg. 1060-1065, (2015)

R.M.C. Clemmer and S.F. Corbin, Effect of Graphite Pore Forming Agents on the Sintering

Characteristics of Ni/YSZ Composites for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Applications, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 9 (6), pp. 1022-1034, (2011)

R.M.C. Clemmer and S.F. Corbin, Investigating the Sintering Behaviour of Porous Composites Made From Metallic Ni and YSZ PowdersInternational Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology8(4), pg. 895-904 (2011)

R.M.C. Clemmer and S.F. Corbin, The Influence of Pore and Ni Morphology on the Electrical Conductivity of Porous Ni/YSZ Composite Anodes for use in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell ApplicationsSolid State Ionics, 180(9-10), pg. 721-730, (2009)

R.M.C. Clemmer, S.F. Corbin and Q.Yang, The Development and Characterization of Porous Composites for SOFC Anodes Using Ceramic Filled Highly Porous Ni FoamJ. American Ceramic Society 92, [2], 331-337, (2009)

R.M.C. Clemmer and S.F. Corbin, Influence of porous composite microstructure on the processing and properties of solid oxide fuel cell anodesSolid State Ionics, 166, (3-4), pp 251-259 (2004)

F. Corbin, and X. Qiao, Development of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes Using Metal Coated Pore Forming Agents, J. American Ceramic Society, 86, [3], 401-406, (2003)

S.F. Corbin, J. Lee and X. Qiao, Influence of Green Formulation and Pyrolyzable Particulates on the Porous Microstructure and Sintering Characteristics of Tape Cast CeramicsJ. American Ceramic Society, 84 [1], 41-47, (2001)

S.F. Corbin and P.S. Apté, Engineered Porosity via Tape Casting, Lamination and the Percolation of Pryolyzable Particulates, J. American Ceramic Society, 82, 1693-1701, (1999)

Variable Melting Point Lead Free Solders for Microelectronic Packaging Applications

Whitney and S.F. Corbin, Pb Contamination of a transient liquid phase processed Sn- Bi lead free solder pasteJournal of Electronic Materials. Vol. 35 (2): 284-291 (2006)

S.F. Corbin, High temperature variable melting point Sn-Sb lead free solder pastes using transient liquid phase powder processingJournal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 34, No.7, 1016-1025, (2005)

D’Hondt and S.F. Corbin, Thermal analysis of the compositional shift in a transient liquid phase during sintering of a ternary Cu-Sn-Bi Powder Mixture, Met. & Mater. Trans. A 37a (1): 217-224, (2006)

Reyburn and S.F. Corbin, Monitoring Transient Liquid Phase Sintering of Cu-Sn Alloys by Thermal Analysis, Int. J. of Powder Metallurgy, 36, No. 5, 57-69, (2000)

X. Qiao and S.F. Corbin, Development of Transient Liquid Phase Sintered (TLPS) Sn-Bi Solder pastesMat. Sci. Eng., A283, 38-45, (2000)

Fabrication of Functionally Graded Metal/Ceramic Composites

Townsend, H. Henein, S.F. Corbin, P. Apte, Static and Dynamic Wetability of Molten Al on Al2O3 and ZrO2 SubstratesSci. and Eng. Composite Mater., Vol. 12, 65-77, (2006)

S.F. Corbin, X. Zhao-jie, H. Henein and P.S. Apté, Functionally Graded Metal/Ceramic Composites by Tape Casting, Lamination and InfiltrationMat. Sci. Eng. A, A262, 192-203 (1999)

Plastic Deformation, Damage, and Fracture of Metal/Ceramic Composites

S. F. Corbin, E. Ansah-Sam and D.J. Lloyd, Comparing the Influence of Mn and Fe Content on the Fracture of a AA6XXX Series Alloy in Different Aged States, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 519-521, Pg. 125-130 (2006)

K. Spencer, S.F. Corbin and D. J. Lloyd, Notch Fracture Behaviour of AA5754 Automotive Aluminium AlloysMat. Sci. Eng. A, A332, 81-90, (2002)

K. Spencer, S.F. Corbin and D. J. Lloyd, The Influence of Iron Content on the Plane Strain Fracture Behaviour of AA5754 Al-Mg Sheet AlloysMat. Sci. Eng. A, A325, 394-404, (2002)

S.F. Corbin and D.S. Wilkinson, The Tensile Properties of a Particulate Reinforced Al Alloy in the Temperature Range of –196 to 300 °C, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 35, 189-198, (1996)

S.F. Corbin, D.S. Wilkinson and J.D. Embury, The Bauschinger Effect in a Particulate Reinforced Al AlloyMater. Sci. Eng., A207, 1-11, (1996)

S.F. Corbin and D.S. Wilkinson, The Influence of Particle Distribution on The Mechanical Response of a Particulate Metal Matrix CompositeActa metall. mater., 42, 1311-1318, (1994)

S.F. Corbin and D.S. Wilkinson, Low Strain Plasticity in a Particulate Metal Matrix CompositeActa metall. mater., 42, 1319-1327, (1994)

S.F. Corbin and D.S. Wilkinson. Influence of Matrix Strength and Damage Accumulation on the Mechanical Response of a Particulate Metal Matrix Composite.Acta metall. mater., 42, 1329-1335, (1994)