We have collected many interesting images of our work collected across various projects. These are a few of our most creative!

Pot Holes and Joints
– Eric Moreau
Braze joint of a nickel superalloy created using in-situ laser flash analysis showing boride segregation. Etched with Keller’s Reagent.

Arm of the Beast
– Clark Murray
Strange nodules found on scrap titanium powder.

Hawaiian Punch
– Colin Tadgell

Super (Alloy) Death Star
– Addison Rayner
Dendritic surface of a melted superalloy powder with powder-like region.

Rolling Tiger
– Julian O’Flynn
Cross-sectional view of the edge of a roll-compacted strip of titanium sponge powder

Carbides by the Pool
– Addison Rayner
Carbides situated next to gamma/gamma prime eutectic pools in a melted superalloy powder.

Space Foil
– Eric Moreau
Severe surface oxidation of wrought pure titanium as a result of high temperature thermal analysis.

Islands in Transition
– Julian O’Flynn
Master alloy blend of titanium and ferro-titanium powder heated to 1200 °C in the DSC. Etched with Kroll’s Reagent.

Pore Chomper
– Julian O’Flynn
Pore in a Ti-2.5Fe blended elemental powder mixture sintered at 1200°C. Image taken with reflected light polarization contrast.

Bacon & Eggs
– Julian O’Flynn

Oxide Garden
– Addison Rayner
Chaotic chromium and aluminum oxide growths on the surface of a superalloy powder exposed to high temperatures

The Beauty of Dissolution
– Steve Corbin
The image illustrates Al:V intermetallic particle particles dissolving into a pure Ti matrix. This occurs through the diffusion of Al and V elements into the matrix. The path of this diffusion is marked by the development of a plate like structure in the Ti matrix due to the presence of Al and V

Iron Death Star
– Julian O’Flynn
Water Atomized iron powder.

Growth Explosion
– Clark Murray
A cluster of TiC dendrites formed in an undercooled liquid as heat loss was occurring from multiple directions simultaneously.

Chocolate Rain
– Colin Tagdell

Ducks in Epoxy
DSC sample of Ni and Ni Braze mounted in epoxy.

Look on the Bright Side
– Clark Murray

The Wall
– Cathy Whitman

Embryonic Growth of an Intermetallic Component
– Joannie Lapointe
Ti6Al sintered at 1200 °C showing undissolved TiAl master alloy particle.

Broken Heart
– Clark Murray

Night and Day
– Eric Moreau

Mountains of Metal
– Randy Cooke

– Julian O’Flynn

– Eric Moreau

Agglomeration of Planets
– Clark Murray
Ni-braze powder mixture.

Mr. Beer Belly
– Dan
Ti2Ni and Ni3Ti in a NiTi matrix formed on cool down from 1200 °C

The extremely fine, needle shaped morphology of the Ti6242 alloy is the result of the beta-alpha phase transformation, sintered at 1250 °C.

Cool Mist Over a Rising Sun
– Clark Murray
Cu-Ni powder mixture heated to 1050 °C and quenched

Sword in the Stone
– Clark Murray
TiC dendrites growing normal to the initially frozen top shell produced by laser cladding.